ONS 2022 - Ending news

The 69th edition of the Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) fair for the Norwegian offshore and oil market was held from 29th August to 1st September 2021 in Stavanger, Norway.

It was a very heartfelt edition, being the first in four years due to the pandemic.

Leading international speakers attended the event, from Elon Musk to Volodymyr Zelens'kyj who officially opened the works.

The Hydreco Group with Hydreco Hydraulics and Duplomatic MS also took part in this event with its own booth to present our engineering solutions and the experience we have gained in this market.

The show was a good opportunity to feature at an international level our portfolio for this sector as well as to understand how much we can further offer and develop for this specific market.

This edition confirmed that various oil companies are increasingly involved in the fight against climate change: countless proposals relating to the reduction of CO2 in the various production processes relating to oil production were presented on the various booths of the top industries in the sector.

Overall, it emerged that the offshore wind production market is undergoing very strong development. But perhaps the most discussed topic during the conference was the production of energy using hydrogen.

Current energy problems, also relating to the growing world energy needs and climate change, are topics of great interest at all levels, both political and technical.


We at Hydreco and Duplomatic have embraced this challenge with our commitment, and we actively participate in the search for solutions to improve the use of energy and natural resources.

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